Monday, October 31, 2011

You do not have to be original to be successful

There is never paucity for original business ideas. However, most individuals or organizations are poor at converting an original idea to profit.

In fact, history is replete with accounts of individuals who have done better with an idea than the idea's creator. For instance, Shakespeare borrowed storylines from others and converted them into classics.  Similarly, Steve Jobs is a striking example of an individual who took an existing product, scaled it and marketed it for profit.
Therefore, it is not necessary that an individual should have an original business idea to scale and market it. He can do the same with ideas that have gone nowhere for others. Alternatively, a business person could increase appreciably the chances of success, by typically going with a sufficiently established idea and carefully adding a distinct layer of superior quality and exceptional customer service. 
However, an individual should have the innate ability to take an existing idea, innovate and scale it  successfully.